How To Sue a Doctor in Louisiana
You or your baby suffered harm during labor and delivery. Your surgeon operated on your bladder instead of your gallbladder, ultimately leaving you without both. You ultimately found out you had cancer, but only after getting a second opinion after another doctor misdiagnosed you. These are just three of countless examples where a physician or […]
Is Medical Malpractice Civil or Criminal?
While anyone can make a mistake, ones that medical practitioners make can have significant adverse consequences for patient health. Fortunately, Louisiana law allows patients who suffer additional injuries, develop further illnesses, or die while under the care of a healthcare provider to take legal action by filing a medical malpractice case against the party whose […]
Can I Recover Compensation from the Louisiana Patient’s Compensation Fund?
Have you fallen victim to medical malpractice? If so, then you likely understand all too well how a doctor or another practitioner’s error can not only cause you to experience health setbacks but bring unexpected medical and other costs — expenses that you may not be able to afford. The costs you’ve incurred may have […]