What Purpose Do Runaway Truck Ramps Serve?
If you went on a road trip along all the highways, you would add 164,000 miles to your odometer. That is how many miles of highways crisscross the nation, according to the National Highway System (NHS). At any given time, you would also share those highways with one of the millions of semi-trucks making their […]
What Percentage of Accidents Are Caused by Trucks?
We hear about severe accidents with 18-wheelers all the time and how devastating and deadly wrecks with large trucks can be. And we see these accidents in the news or drive past them on the road and often we wonder if anyone survived or what makes large trucks so dangerous that they’re always getting into […]
Who Is Found Liable for Most Truck Accidents in Louisiana?
When someone is injured in a truck accident, their losses are rarely minor. Permanent disability, extensive medical interventions, years of ongoing treatment, inability to work, and a loss of one’s mode of transportation are all common outcomes of an accident caused by a large truck. Under Louisiana state statutes, the party responsible for causing the […]
How Are Trucking Accidents Different From Car Accidents?
Some of the busiest interstates in our country run through Baton Rouge, including I-10, I-12, and I-110. There are also U.S. Route 190 and U.S. Route 61 and Louisiana Highway 415 (LA-415), LA-1, LA-427, and more than a dozen others that run through or around our capital city. As you might imagine, with as many […]
Why You Will Need a Lawyer After a Truck Accident
We see our fair share of big-rigs in the Baton Rouge area. Tanker-trucks traveling to and from oil refineries, long-haul truckers passing through with goods, and manufacturers sending local products across the country fill our roads with 40-ton vehicles and put you and your family in danger. If you are involved in an accident with […]